Why I hate (some of) my previous builds (In a good way) – PREMIUM MINECRAFT BLOG


This month: Happy birthday me! This short post applies to anything – builds, videos, renders, real life.

Sometimes, I’ll look at a build released even a week or two ago, and think “Why did I do X instead of Y? Why did I struggle with this method when I could’ve done something else? Why is this part so bad?”

The truth is, the very fact that I’m able to spot these flaws means that I improved. Since I’m the builder, I will subconsciously remember these self-critical thoughts on my next build. And while I’m proud of every build at release, I know I’ll likely be cringing at some part of it or its build process later down the line.


  • BUILDS: While I subjectively like my old builds, they are objectively nowhere near in quality – inefficient build process, basic/bad use of commands, lack of presentation. Take my popular Cyberpunk scifi futuristic city – the city layout is strange with large voids (Which I awkwardly tried to fill in with holographic lines). There are no streets/paths/flying-car-landing-pads. This is due to the fact that I built blacked out interiors, which I also wouldn’t do today – I’d rather make an empty interior layout to add some depth (That city is unexplorable inside and out). The water and terrain are as basic as it gets, and for some reason there is a little wall and tower forming some kind of lake? I may be getting too critical, but today I’d have definitely made a bigger terrain that can tell a story!
  • VIDEOS: Many of my first build showcase videos are quite terrible. The Replay Mod camera is stationary or uninteresting and it clips through walls, the pacing is weird, the videos lack structure. The thumbnails were bad too, before I chose to upgrade them with clean renders.
  • RENDERS: Recently I got into Blender and Blender rendering. Check out my portfolio or the direct comparison below to see the difference! While I love Chunky for offering a simple way to get clean renders, it’s hard to get the same quality, realism and effects that Blender allows (In a similar timeframe). And I’m only at the tip of the iceberg – just check out this posts cover image!
  • REAL LIFE: I hope/wish you’re able to look on the past months and see growth, I know I do.

Related: CHUNKY tutorial – start to end text-based introduction to rendering – PREMIUM MINECRAFT BLOG

In other news, we ARE partnered with the great RocketNode hosting, AND I’ve also collaborated on the Skyscraper Pack seen in this posts images – check it! RebirthBuilds | BuiltByBit

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