Tom Warren is hinting at a new Doom game being announced soon – WGB


Tom Warren of The Verge seems to be hinting at a new Doom game being announced, potentially at the Xbox summer showcase.

On May 8 Tom Warren posted an article titled “Inside Microsoft’s Xbox turmoil” in which he discusses the recent shock announcement that Microsoft is shutting down multiple Bethesda studios.

His article is, as always, a tremendous read. It delves into the uncertainty currently surrounding the brand, as well as the uncertainty within the brand, including debates about whether the next Call of Duty should launch on Game Pass and even about the potential of raising the price of Game Pass again.

Warren drops little nugget at the very end of the article that caught my eye, though: “Microsoft will be banking on some new game announcements lifting the Doom around Xbox.”

Did you notice the italicised mention of Doom? id Software have been quiet since they released the excellent Doom Eternal in 2020, the sequel to the equally awesome Doom reboot in 2016. There was four years between the two games, so if id Software keeps to that development timeline a new Doom could very well be ready to show to the world, and could even launch this year.

The most likely place for a new Doom game to be announced is, of course, the Xbox summer showcase in June, which is also where its heavily rumoured that a new Gears of War game may also be revealed. Should that be the case, Xbox would have one hell of a show, something they are in desperate need of right now as Game Pass growth has slowed to a trickle and people are quickly losing faith in the Xbox brand.

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