Square Enix Confirms Layoffs For Publishing, IT, And The SE Collective Indie Games Divisions


As part of the business’ restructuring and strategy shift, Square Enix has confirmed that it will be enacting layoffs in its publishing, IT, and Square Enix Collective Indie Games divisions.

We don’t yet know the extent of the layoffs, but a report from VGC states that Square Enix employees who were at a meeting with the publisher’s president Takashi Kiryu revealed layoffs would be happening the the EU and in the United States. The report also states the layoffs are expected to occur over the next month, and those impacted will be told this week.

Once again it’s unfortunate to see the industry impacted by more layoffs, and more developers forced into a job market that is more over-populated than it’s ever been in the industry’s history.

Layoffs are always short-term financial band-aid solutions that have a detrimental impact on the games industry, and only ever benefit shareholders and the highest level executives.

That they are a fact of doing business in today’s modern world doesn’t make them any less deplorable, and hopefully those impacted in Square’s layoffs can land on their feet soon.

Source – [VGC]

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