Martha Is Dead Developer Announces New Project With Wired Productions Again Set To Publish


Martha Is Dead developer LKA has announced it is working on a new project with Wired Productions once again set to act as publisher.

The news was announced at the very end of the Wired Direct 2024 showcase, as the show’s “one more thing” to cap the showcase off.

A short teaser presented showed an old computer opening a new file marking the this as the third project LKA and Wired Productions have worked on together. When the user tries to execute a command to show details on the game, it doesn’t work, and breaks everything.

It doesn’t tell us much of anything, but perhaps the look and feel of the trailer will be at least somewhat relevant to the final product. Either way, it already looks different from Martha Is Dead, though with its own spooky vibe.

You can check out the teaser trailer for LKA’s new project with Wired Productions for yourself, below.

Source – [Wired Direct 2024]

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