Distant Horizons Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) – A Level of Detail Mod


Distant Horizons Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an increased render distance without harming performance.

In other words: this mod lets you see farther without turning your game into a slide show. Now you can finally enjoy that lookout tower you built on top of a mountain.


Variable Detail: Fake chunks closer will become larger and less detailed the further they are from the player, increasing performance.

Distant Fog: Fog can be enabled and disabled in the config GUI.

256 render distance: By default the mod renders at 64, but can go up to 4096! (although anything above 512 may become difficult due to high RAM or GPU usage)

Cave/Nether support: Now you can see farther in caves! I mean, you still can’t see that far because you’re in a cave…

Custom map support: Pictured: Super Hostile Iceolation

Ground level horizon

A Distant Horizon

Modded Terrain Generation: Distant Horizons works with mod terrain generators!

Night time forest

Cliff side: Vanilla render distance 4. Mod render distance 512.

Ciff side: Vanilla render distance 4. Mod render distance 512.

Detail levels: The mod will render chunks at different detail levels depending on how far they are from you.

Vertical Fog: Fog can be customized to change with vertical height along with horizontal distance.

The End: Finding end cities will be much easier now…


Minecraft Forge or Fabric API

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

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Distant Horizons Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.17.1

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.18.1

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.1

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.3

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.19.4

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.20.2

Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.20.4, 1.20.3

Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

NeoForge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

Forge/Fabric/NeoForge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

Dev version (Use At Your Own Risk): Download from Server 1

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