CD Projekt RED Confirms Progress On The Witcher 4 Continues To Ramp Up, More Than Half The Studio Working On Project Polaris


CD Projekt RED has confirmed with its latest earnings report that progress on The Witcher 4, also known as Project Polaris continues to ramp up, and now has more than 400 members of the CDPR team working on it.

That’s more than half the total studio, which according to the latest earnings report now totals at 627 developers across each branch, with The Witcher 4 being the biggest project in terms of team size by a longshot.

Last time we saw how CDPR was dividing up the studio, the team for The Witcher 4 was sitting just below the halfway mark in regards to how many members of the studio were working on it.

Now that the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion is well in the studios rear view, practically all eyes are looking ahead at Geralt’s return.

The Witcher 4 will be the next major release from CD Projekt RED, and if it’s possible, players might have even higher expectations than they did for Cyberpunk 2077’s launch.

After the arduous process that was Cyberpunk’s 2020 launch and the three years until its 2.0 update and the Phantom Liberty expansion that followed though, it’s doubtful CDPR will let something like that happen again.

That’s not to say The Witcher 4 will be bug-free when it launches, but hopefully it’ll work on every platform it releases on.

Source – [CD Projekt RED via Kotaku]

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