Video Games

A smattering of classic PS Plus Premium games just got Platinum trophies on PS4, PS5 – WGB

PlayStation Plus Premium just got three brand new PS2 games added to the catalogue, but the retro news doesn’t stop there because a...

Among Us May Have Just Leaked The Big June Nintendo Direct Date

It wouldn’t be Summer Game Fest and the ghost of E3 season without a big Nintendo Direct. Previously teased for June, it now...

Resident Evil 7 iOS and iPadOS Pre-Orders Now Live, Base Price and DLC Upgrade Revealed – TouchArcade

Following yesterday’s announcement of both Resident Evil 7 biohazard () and Resident Evil 2 Remake for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, pre-orders for...

Star Wars: Outlaws Feels Like Respawn’s Jedi Games | Summer Game Fest 2024

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Sands of Time remake finally gets a release date….it’s 2026 – WGB

Ubisoft’s deeply troubled Prince of Persia: Sands of Time remake briefly appeared at tonight’s Ubisoft Forward event, sparking the briefest moment of hope...

E-Day Will ‘Scare The S*** Out Of You’

The “one more thing” at the Xbox showcase during Summer Game Fest was a reveal trailer for Gears of War: E-Day, a prequel...

Bungie teases that Destiny 2’s “Journey Continues” but fans aren’t quite sure what that means for Destiny 3

Bungie revealed a look at some upcoming Destiny 2 episodes today,...

Goat Simulator 3 – Multiverse of Nonsense DLC Release Date Announced for PC and Consoles, No Word on Mobile Yet – TouchArcade

Coffee Stain had a 10 year celebration video for Goat Simulator and Pilgor last month with a tease for new Goat Simulator...

A New Covert Espionage FPS, I Am Your Beast, Revealed By El Paso, Elsewhere Dev

Today, during the PC Gaming Show, Strange...

The Dark Ages is coming to Xbox, PC and PS5 next year – WGB

After several leaks, id Software and Bethesda lifted the lid on DOOM: The Dark Ages, the next entry in the bloodthirsty series that...

The Final Shape Thoughts And More Gaming Takes

This week, Destiny 2: The Final Shape finally arrived, bringing an end to a storyline the series has been telling ever since it...

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