Video Games

Reviews Featuring ‘Hot Lap Racing’, Plus the Latest Releases and Sales – TouchArcade

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 19th, 2024. In today’s article, we finish up the week with the...

THE MIX x BitSummit 2024 Full Showcase

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The FTC is not impressed by the recent Game Pass changes – WGB

The Federal Trade Commission of America has published a letter expressing their displeasure regarding Microsoft’s recently announced changes to Game Pass. You might remember...

Supacell Episode 3 Review: Control And Community

The first two episodes of Supacell could have done a more thorough job of focusing on Sabrina (Nadine Mills) and other women in...

NES Edition’, Plus Today’s Releases and Sales – TouchArcade

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 18th, 2024. It’s a Thursday, and a fairly busy one at that....

Xbox cuts day 1 Game Pass releases for the cheapest tier, adds Game Pass Standard and ramps up prices- here’s what you need to...

As per rumours from earlier this year, Xbox has begun making sweeping changes to its subscription service. The biggest change is that day...

The 50 Best Deals From Xbox’s Summer Sale 2024

Steam’s Summer Sale usually kicks off a host of other sales across digital stores and websites. And on top of all those sales,...

Reviews Featuring ‘Princess Maker 2 Regeneration’, Plus Today’s Releases and Sales – TouchArcade

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 16th, 2024. It’s a relatively busy Tuesday by recent standards, with a...

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