Video Games

Definitive Edition will sidle onto Game Pass this August, according to reliable source – WGB

A few days ago a fairly reliable insider by the name Nate the Hate claimed that Mafia: Definitive Edition will be added to...

MCU’s Doctor Doom Is Robert Downey Jr And Fans Are Conflicted

Robert Downey Jr. is coming back to the MCU. The actor who set the Marvel Cinematic Universe in motion back in 2008 with...

Diablo 4 may be in for a wild Season 5, at least when it comes to Uniques

Later this week, Blizzard developers will sit down to discuss much...

Shuehei Matusmoto on MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection Arcade Classics – “The Catalyst for Making This Game Was the Ongoing Use of Our Titles...

While many people are no doubt most hyped for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom or Mario & Luigi: Brothership, one announcement...

Mortal Kombat 1 – New Guest Fighters Discussion with Ed Boon At San Diego Comic Con 2024

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Members of SAG-AFTRA are going on strike, potentially leading to game delays – WGB

Videogame performers in the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) have announced that they will go on strike from...

Fallout 76 Farming Advice, FFXIV Help, And More Tips

As you wander the wasteland of Appalachia, you may notice what looks like an oddly dressed ghoul stumbling down the cracked pavement toward...

Creature Commandos’ debut teaser trailer gives a strong first look into the James Gunn-led future of the DCU

The first trailer for Creature Commandos is here, and it looks...

Reviews Featuring ‘Let’s School’, Plus Today’s New Releases and Sales – TouchArcade

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for July 26th, 2024. In today’s article, our pal Mikhail gets the party started...

Stardew Valley: How To Complete The Museum

Early into Stardew Valley, Gunther from the...

Khaos Reigns launches in September, offering a big expansion for a big price – WGB

Announced at today’s San Diego Comic-Con, Khaos Reigns is a sizable expansion to the base Mortal Kombat 1 game that will add a...

Assassin’s Creed Surprises Fans At 2024 Summer Olympic Games

I didn’t know the 2024 Olympic Games were starting today. Or that they were in France. So I was extra surprised when the...

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